With a view to the essentials

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Photo: Andreas Nenninger

GermanDevDays 2023 - Mit dem Gründerworkshop von BvM

We look forward to the next event.

Latest News

Berlinale-Reception at Roadrunner's Paradise Club

During the 73rd Berlin International Film Festival, we co-hosted our traditional Berlinale reception with the Erich Pommer Institute at Roadrunner's Paradise Club.

Thunderful acquires the Indie Developer Studio Fizbin

Thunderful Group has acquired the Indie developer Studio Fizbin. The founders of Studio Fizbin were supported by BvM in the transaction.

Relaunch of our website

They say "Never change a winning team" but sometimes you need to make an exception. After some long lasting preparations we now have prouldy relaunched our new website with a fresh, modern and artistic design.  

Putting a face to the cause: Joel Sartore and the Photo Ark

In the last 15 years, Joel Sartore has already portrayed more than 13,600 species in order to document them with impressive pictures and to encourage people to take care of them.

We are very pleased to be able to use his pictures and are happy to tell you about his impressive project.

Joel Sartore with baby tiger – Photo Ark Project

Our locations


Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
Spreepalais am Dom
10178 Berlin

Tel.: 030-2693 95 0
Fax.: 030-2693 95 15



Wiesenau 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: 069-152 00 50
Fax.: 069-152 00 520



Türkenstraße 93
80799 Munich

Tel.: 089-23 72 26
Fax : 089-23 72 27 37
