
For some years, the area of computer games has been rightly regarded as one of the greatest drivers of growth in the media industry. In its peak segment, production costs are comparable to those of the most elaborate film productions and, even in the mid-range segment, budgets are normally at least six figures. Games are no longer only played on the computer, but on a variety of consoles, Smart-TVs, mobile phones, tablets, and even on web browsers. This diversity requires a multitude of business models, which must likewise be customized to the respective technical platform and target group. For over 10 years, Brehm & v. Moers has been advising a variety of German and international games publishers and developers and is conversant with all the industry’s business models; whether F2P, subscription-based models, DLC, affiliate marketing, white label, channeling, or classic licensing models. Brehm & v. Moers primarily advises on the drafting and negotiation of games development and licensing agreements, and can also call upon extensive experience in production financing, be it through investment funds, commissioned or co-productions, public subsidies or Crowd funding. For Brehm & v. Moers, the Games area is the logical coupling of the firm’s classic media expertise with its strong IT legal team. The lawyers of Brehm & v. Moers are well-connected in the games sector and regular speakers at major industry events.