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Not least due to the rise of social networks and the revelations about surveillance on the internet, the topic of data protection is more present among many than it was a few years ago. Moreover, the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 has put the issue of data protection on the agenda of many companies.
The data protection commissioners of the federal states and the federal government are increasingly monitoring companies and taking action against violations; consumer protection associations are also becoming more active in the area of data protection. In everyday business, data protection has already become an important factor in many places and, at the latest with the General Data Protection Regulation, topics such as "Privacy by Design" will significantly influence the way software and project developers work. Companies in the media and IT sector in particular are already required to take data protection requirements into account during product development, and a company data protection officer is usually mandatory. Employee data are subject to special protection and their processing may also be subject to co-determination by a works council. The marketing of products and services today often comes up against the limits of data protection, e.g. when tracking customers on the internet or monitoring one's own website. Connecting to social networks is not always easy to realise today from a data protection point of view. International data traffic is particularly problematic, especially with the USA.
The conversion of customer information and operational processes to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation also poses a considerable entrepreneurial and legal challenge.
At Brehm & v. Moers, we are familiar with these problems and the practical solutions. Companies receive professionally qualified and practice-oriented advice on how to implement the requirements of data protection without it restricting the actual business activities of the companies. In addition, Brehm & v.Moers offers in-house training on data protection and audits.