Legal Fields

We advise our clients in all disputes surrounding infringement litigation or unfair competition with competitors, trade associations, consumer protection organizations, or professional bodies. This also involves the drafting and filing of cautions arising from Competition Law violations, including the strongest feasible formulation of cease-and-desist orders or interim injunctions, defense against unjustified cautions, and the deposit of protective documents. Added to this is our representation in injunctive procedures, and all principal proceedings before the ordinary courts, as well as out-of-court arbitration boards in competition disputes.
Aside from this, we offer support with advertising and product campaigns for domestic and foreign companies and agencies.
In competition disputes, based on the provisions of law against unfair competition, immediate cautions and preliminary injunction proceedings tend to be the rule. This often necessitates accepting a mandate at very short notice and swiftly handling the case - a challenge we are more than ready to meet.