Strong in media law

We are not only lawyers, but also people and advisors. Our clients can expect from us - be it through "their" lawyer or through a team of lawyers - a legally impeccable, solution-oriented and cost-efficient solution tailored to the task at hand.
Indispensable for this is the pronounced specialisation in our core areas and the associated fields of law. Comprehensive knowledge of the respective sector is crucial both for the individual mandate and when combining know-how to handle complex major mandates.
Our specialised advisory approach can also be combined with other special disciplines in-house, depending on the case, so that clients rarely need additional teams of lawyers.
A key characteristic of Brehm & v. Moers is the individuality in dealing with clients and in the comprehensive handling of mandates beyond formal legal expertise.
It is not without reason that the majority of our lawyers are highly ranked in relevant rankings and that not only the industry expertise and legal competence are pointed out, but also the collegial behaviour and pleasant interaction.
Marcus Sonnenschein,
Specialist lawyer for labour law, BvM Berlin
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
Spreepalais am Dom
10178 Berlin
Tel.: 030-2693 95 0
Fax.: 030-2693 95 15
Wiesenau 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 069-152 00 50
Fax.: 069-152 00 520
Türkenstraße 93
80799 Munich
Tel.: 089-23 72 26
Fax : 089-23 72 27 37