Prof. Dr. Oliver Castendyk
Lawyer BvM Berlin
Prof. Dr. jur. Oliver Castendyk, MSc. (London School of Economics), is a partner at Brehm & von Moers in Berlin. 1991/1992 he was working for the KirchGruppe, and from 1992 until 2000 he was the head of legal department of ProSieben Media AG. Since 2001 he acts as counsel for clients from the film, TV and print busisness. Among others, Oliver is the legal counsel of the Association for technical Services for Film & TV („Verbands der Technischen Betriebe für Film & Fernsehen (VTFF)“), the German Producer’s Alliance – Film & TV („Allianz Deutscher Produzenten – Film & Fernsehen“) and is a member of the supervisory board of X-Verleih-AG.
He is also persues scientific interests. Between 2001 and 2009 he was the director of the Erich Pommer Institute for Media law and media business („Erich Pommer Instituts für Medienrecht & Medienökonomie“), from 2004 until 2009 he was called to the University of Potsdam to a 5 year external funded professorship for public and private media law. Currently he is the director of the Research Center for Audiovisual Communication („Forschungszentrum Audiovisuelle Kommunikation“) of the Hamburg Media School and co-editor of the legal paper „Multimedia und Recht“ (“Multimedia and Law”).
Oliver Castendyk is also co-editor and author of the standard reference book "European Media Law" (published by WoltersKluwer) and is publishing articles regarding broadcasting und copyright law, including but not limited to issues regarding adequate payment in accordance with the German copyright act and product placement. He is a member of the European Film Academy and of the Villa Aurora & Thomas Mann House e. V..
Admitted to the Bar: 1990
English, Spanish