Dr. Felix Oelkers LL.M (UCT)
Lawyer BvM Berlin
Dr. Oelkers’ special areas of expertise are devoted to the food industry, the health, hospital and care sectors, the hotel industry, as well as the film and media branch.
Dr. Oelkers’ consulting activities include drafting employment contracts, negotiating bargaining agreements (also in conciliation or mediation boards), representation and support in restructuring and rationalisation, collective bargaining and strikes consulting, Transactional Employment Law (corporate sale) and the posting of employees abroad.
Dr. Oelkers supports managing directors and employees alike in concluding new service or employment contracts, dismissal or wrongful termination litigation, and other severance situations.
Dr. Oelkers publishes regularly in specialist journalism and magazines on current themes relating to Employment or Labour Law, gives regular training courses, and teaches at various national and foreign colleges and universities.
Admitted to the Bar: 2000
Specialist attorney for Employment Law
Specialist attorney since 2005
- Das Recht der South African Reserve Bank – Ein Beitrag zum neuen südafrikanischen Verfassungsrecht, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 1999 (The Law of the South African Reserve Bank – An Essay on new South African Constitutional Law) Dissertation
- The South African Reserve Bank under the interim constitution, Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Reg (Journal of South African Law), No. 3/4, 1996, P. 484-499, 701-717
- Die Gleichheitsrechtsprechung des südafrikanischen Verfassungsgerichts, (The South African Constitutional Court - Dispensing equal Justice) 57/4 (1997) ZaöRV 899-921
- South Africa: a new era opens, Central Banking, Vol. X, No. 1, August 1999, P. 81-82
- The term „Eigenhandels für Dritte“ (Third party proprietary trading) for securities information 2001, P. 340 ff.
- Various judgements in the newsletter published by the Luther Anwältsgesellschaft mbH
- Compulsory Redundancy or Termination - focus: Corporate Decision, NJW Special, Issue 7/2004, P. 321
- Befristung von Arbeitsverträgen – Chancen und Fallen, (Fixed term contracts – chances and pitfalls) NJW Special, Issue 1/2005, P. 33
- AGB-Kontrolle von Arbeitsverträgen – Neue Erkenntnisse, (General Terms and Conditions: controls of employment or labour contracts – New findings) NJW Special, Issue 7/2005, P. 321
- Sozialversicherungsrechtliche Folgen der Freistellung (Social Security Legislation – the consequences of exemption), together with Dr. Peter Schmidt, NJW Special, Issue 10/2005, P. 465
- Tarifliche Bezugnahmeklauseln in der Praxis (Clauses referring to collective agreements in practice) together with Dr. Alexander von Vogel), NJW Special, Issue 8/2006, P. 369
- Das Direktionsrecht des Arbeitgebers (The Employer’s Executive Prerogative), together with Dr. Peter Schmidt), NJW Special, Issue 10/2006, P. 465
- Das Allgemeine Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, (The General Equal Treatment Act), Kultur & Recht, November 2006, D 1.4, S. 1-24
- The 400 Euro Job and the One Euro Job, Kultur & Recht, March 2007, D 3.3, P. 1 – 16
- Wegfall der Domino-Theorie, (The Lapse of the Domino Theory), discussion on the ruling of the German Federal Labour Court of 09.11.06. 2 AZR 812/05, NJW 2007, P. 2432
- Unterrichtung des Betriebsrats vor Einstellungen (Notifying Works Council of Terminations) according to § 99 BetrVG, NJW Special, Issue 10/2007, P. 450
- „Altersdiskriminierung bei Sozialplänen – Viel Lärm um nichts“(Age discrimination in social plans or severance schemes - Much ado about nothing) NJW 2008, Issue 10, P. 614
- Einseitige Änderung von Arbeitsbedingungen (Unilateral change to working conditions), together with Cord Vernunft, NJW Special, Issue 17/2008, P. 530
- Kündigung schwerbehinderter Arbeitnehmer, (Dismissal of severely handicapped employees), NJW Special, Issue 3/2009, P. 82
- Mitbestimmung bei Dienstwagenregelungen, (Co-determination in company car regulations) NJW Special, Issue 16/2009, P. 514
- Sonderkündigungsschutz im Arbeitsrecht, (Special protection against dismissal in Labour Law) NJW Special, Issue 20/2009, P. 642
- BEM: Die Trumpfkarte im Kündigungsschutzprozess (The trump card in the action against unjust or wrongful dismissal), together with Helen Brugger, NJW Special, Issue 12/2010, P. 370
- Anspruch auf Teilzeitarbeit, (The right to work part-time) NJW Special, Issue 18/2010, P. 562
- Zulässige Altersdiskriminierung? – Ein Überblick (Permissible age discrimination? – An overview), together with Dr. Julia Burkard, NJW Special, Issue 14/2011, P. 434
- Das Familienpflegezeitgesetz (Law pertaining to time devoted to family care), together with Marc Rosenau, NJW Special, Issue 24/2011, P. 754
- Ausstieg aus der Tarifbindung, (Exiting the bargaining agreement), f&w führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Issue 5/2012, P. 569+D6
- Leiharbeitnehmer in Krankenhäusern (Temporary hospital employees), f&w führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Issue 1/2013, P. 115
- Vergütung von Umkleidezeiten, (Compensation for changing times), f&w führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Heft 3/2013, S. 347
- Ärzte als freie Mitarbeiter in Krankenhäusern, (Freelance doctors in hospitals), f&w führen und wirtschaften im Krankenhaus, Issue 6/2013, P. 690