Guido Hettinger
Lawyer BvM Frankfurt
Guido Hettinger has been working as an independent lawyer since 1997. He is a founding partner of Brehm & v. Moers and member of the practice groups: Media, Entertainment & Advertising, and Commercial Property Rights & IT. After graduation, Mr. Hettinger was first engaged by a law firm in the City of London, before joining the law firm of Schwarzberg Brehm Wilde in 1997 - which in 2000 merged into today’s Brehm & v. Moers.
Guido Hettinger represents clients both at home and abroad in matters relating to copyright, information technology, competition and commercial law, both in and out of court. A key focus of Mr. Hettinger’s work consists in project-related consulting and contractual drafting and negotiation for film and TV producers, advertising and promotion agencies or advertising companies, in matters of rights clearance, project financing and marketing. Moreover, he created and developed the standard set of agreements relating to extending and securing loans for a German film subsidy institute and advises a further foreign film promotion institution on concluding contracts with German funding recipients.
Apart from managing individual projects, Mr. Hettinger acts as permanent consultant for a number of clients (external legal department) and legal counsels. The opportunity of involving colleagues from other disciplines extends his representation onto all medium-sized business legal issues, ensuring prompt and individual client representation from a single source.
Guido Hettinger holds regular lectures and seminars on current legal issues surrounding copyright, media, competition and multi-media law. He is also a member of the Vereinigung der Hessischen Filmwirtschaft e.V. (Film Industry Association of the State of Hessen), Filmhaus Frankfurt e.V., the Frankfurt Society for Künstlerhilfe e.V., as well as a member of gamearea-FRM e.V.
Admitted to the Bar: 1996
Article: "Medienrecht in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit", (Media Law in Public Relations Work) "Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Nonprofit-Organisationen", (PR Work for NGOs). Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2004
Since 1997, he has held numerous lectures and seminars on legal issues concerning copyright, media, competition and multi-media law.
Member of the Board of the Vereinigung der Hessischen Filmwirtschaft e.V. (Film Industry Association of the State of Hessen), board member of the Filmhaus Frankfurt e.V., Frankfurt Society for Künstlerhilfe e.V.
Member of gamearea-FRM e.V.